Articles for: Spirit

by Chad Foreman: Meditation quotes from masters can be powerful tools for contemplation…


by Alec Ash: According to animist beliefs, nature is alive with spirits…


Pranayama is one of the most important parts of a yoga practice. It is the...

A yoga class can be themed around so many things…


It’s all about intention…


by Bipin Baloni: Are you on a lookout for a sign to do a yoga...

by Mathew Pallamary: For all the tales coursing through the veins of the internet about...

by Kedar Nath: Faith and belief are terms which are often thought of a analogous,...

by Kedar Nath: A Nine Tips To Boost Your Health From India’s Ancient Healing System…


by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: As awards season scandals pile up, dwelling on its historical inaccuracies…


by Azriel ReShel: Can these Teachings be a Sacred Guide in Troubled Times?


by Claire Grieve: Have you ever noticed yogis blissfully walking out off class beaming with...

by Cjliu: Byron Katie shares how she created the four questions that are part of...

by Annie Sneed: New research suggests that women who survived breast cancer can reduce inflammation...

by Kedar Nath: The New Year is frequently a time for new beginnings, a time...

by Luminita D. Saviuc: There are great men and women who walk this earth with...

by Kira M Newman: The most provocative and influential research findings published during this past...

by Donna Farhi: Now that the finger has been let out of the dam, there’s...

by Azriel ReShel: Science Proves the Power of Chanting…


by Antasha Durbin: Message From Your Spirit Guides…


by Sarah Vasquez: You know that feeling of procrastination? That “I know I should, but...

With Jonathan Robinson: In this episode we talk to Rick Archer of “Buddha at the...

by Dr. Tracy L. Daniel, Ph.D: Perform this energizing yoga sequence with your child to...

by Brother David Steindl-Rast: The only point where one can start to talk about anything,...