Articles for: MIND

by James Endredy & Rev. Devi Grace: Life’s twin flames to transmute global conflict and...

Donna Quesada: I want to say thank you for your time today, and I really...

by Pema Chödrön: On retreat with Pema Chödrön at Omega Institute, Lion Roar’s Andrea Miller explores...

This is an older post abut the same ongoing tragic situation in the middle east...

Donna Quesada shares a simple, yet effective meditation to regulate the breathing and strengthen the...

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: While each location is essentially its own unique configuration in the...

by Peter Diamandis: Ready for some more data-driven optimism?


by Kelly Marceau: Let’s get one thing straight. Women LOVE sex. So, if you ever...

by Karen Maezen Miller: Counting breaths—the simplest of mindfulness practices—took Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller...

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: The core characteristic of Fundamental Wellbeing is the experience of a fundamental...

Ken Wilber:  Ever wonder who you’re kidding? Or, on the other end of the spectrum,...

by Jack Canfield: We all aspire to do, be and have great things…


by Dr. Jeffery Martin: The core characteristic of Fundamental Wellbeing is the experience of a fundamental...

by Peter Diamandis: The world is getting better on many critical and measurable fronts.


Awaken: I once did a walking meditation with you, in France, at your Plum Village...

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: Location 1


My Marcel Schwantes: How cool is science? Now you can set yourself up every morning...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Marianne Williamson an uplifting and inspirational speaker and author of numerous New...

by Byron Katie: A doctor once took a sample of my blood and came back...

by Dr. Andrew Weil: I have always been fascinated by the difference between plants and...

by Donna Quesada: Kundalini yoga teacher and writer Donna Quesada recently attended The 21 Stages...

by don Miguel Ruiz: To love is one of the biggest challenges for humanity.  In attempting...

Integrity means living and acting in alignment with spiritual law and with our highest vision,...