Personality & Identical Personality

Yogi Bhajan: You have identical identity, which is your imagery, how you feel you are. It is your imagination, which is very loving to you. It is very beautiful, very creative – call it anything you want. Plus you have your identity which you have to look at and deal with.

Living Consciously

by Yogi Bhajan: I don’t agree that people live consciously; they want to have money, a house, a car, etc., etc., etc. A person who lives consciously doesn’t care, he knows these things shall come, there is no problem with it. 

Wisdom For Women

Yogi Bhajan: Why have you come to KWTC? The answer is you want to live consciously. That’s all. So whatever we discuss here and review in our teachings, 

The 10 Manners of Life

by Yogi Bhajan: If you want to grow, if you want to glow, if you want grace; you will only get it if you follow the Ten Manners of Life.

Faith & Love

Gurdwara Lecture Espanola, New Mexico 3/30/86 by Yogi Bhajan: What is faith? Faith is what gives courage, what gives you intelligence, what gives you the ability to survive, to surmount, and surmount the Infinity of divinity.

What Is Kundalini? – Yogi Bhajan


by Yogi Bhajan: Kundalini Yoga, known as “the Yoga of awareness,” is an ancient technology for awakening the life force lying dormant within each one of us…

Kundalini Yoga History Wikipedia

Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline for developing strength, awareness, character, and consciousness.

Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga


“Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art to experience Infinity in the finite.” Yogi Bhajan

Radioactive Love


by Haribhajan:“There is something called radioactive love. It kills either way. It’s a love of non-reality based on a subconscious romance which will never be practical…