Mooji & The Art Of Emptying My Busy Brain

by Lover of Scribbling Words: So, following on from yesterday’s blog on not following the tradition of having a list of ‘doomed to failure’ resolutions and seeking increased personal development. Today I did something I never imagined I would be doing on January 2 this year.

How Your Hands Can Heal You

By: Janet Bray AttwoodStephen Co is a senior disciple and personal student of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing. 

From Competition to Cooperation – Pt 1

Matthieu Ricard After training in biochemistry at the Institute Pasteur, Matthieu Ricard left science and moved to the Himalayas to pursue happiness and became a Buddhist monk.

by Mathieu Richard: The business world is a world of competition that often is very intense. Unhealthy competition is driven by greed, hostility, and unscrupulous selfishness. However, competition can also used as a source of inspiration to improve what we do.

STILL HERE by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

Jean Shinoda Bolen Jungian psychoanalyst, Jean Shinoda Bolen has authored numerous books on the archetypal psychology of women and men in the development of spirituality. She attended UCLA and Pomona College prior to graudating from UC Berkeley. Her analytical training was done at the C.G. Jung Institute in San Francisco.

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.:  No matter what the cause, every time death comes to others, whether gently or like a Tsunami and we are spared, there is an inner felt affirmation that “I am still here.”

Sharon Salzberg in Tucson

Sharon Salzberg‘s second of two hour-long talks to AMRIG. The topic included the Buddhist definition of faith and how it involves a middle way between skeptical doubt and blind acceptance.

Brotherhood -Deepak Chopra


In Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs as doctors, immigrants, and brothers.

Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be.” “If you […]

From the Unreal to the Real

by Steve Taylor PhD: We all experience ‘higher states of consciousness’ from time to time, when an inner peace seems to fill us and the world around us seems magically transformed.