A 10-Minute Practice To Fully Experience The Present


by Jay Vidyarthi: When the world feels out of control, it helps to take time to stop and do nothing at all. Jay Vidyarthi guides us to temporarily let go of racing thoughts and rest our awareness in the experience of this moment…

It! It! It!


by Peter Coyote: Eeek! Eeek! Eeek! the bird cried. It! It! It! And the world as Peter Coyote had experienced it ended. Forty years after his first sesshin, the actor and writer finally gets the point of Zen…

Learning Spirituality From Animals


by Ashley Brown: Animals of all kinds, especially the ones sharing our home, can be our spiritual guides and healers if we pay attention…

The Third, Fourth And Fifth Planes Of The Upper World

Awaken - Indigenous

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Last week we learned about the first two levels of the Upper World of the Laika: The Level of the Stone People and The Level of the Plant People. This week we’ll explore the remaining three…

Educate The Heart


by Shane Koyczan: Poet and author narrates this poignant short video from the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education…

From the Unreal to the Real

by Steve Taylor PhD: We all experience ‘higher states of consciousness’ from time to time, when an inner peace seems to fill us and the world around us seems magically transformed.

7 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition


by Rochelle Bourgault: “Intuition can become mute, stifled, or drowned out when we find ourselves out of balance. Here are some ways to help you get grounded so that you can reconnect with that inner voice…”



(Spirituality and Practice): The root of the word “character” is the Greek kharaktēr, an engraving tool…