Articles for: Positive News

After 30 years of research, Professor Valter Longo believes he has created a diet that...

by Georgina Cannon: Do You Have Trouble Saying No?


by Catherine Collins: For allergy sufferers, triggers are not only limited to the outdoors…


The Belly of the Dragon (Trailhead) in Utah, United States


by Mathew Walker: We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been...

by Sandra Dean: The use of Aloe vera on the skin is a tradition that’s...

Dan Millman is author of the spiritual classic, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Like the...

The need to be loved is simply an indication that you are lost in separation.


by Donna Quesada: I have found that meditation is not limited to those moments when...

by Amelia Johnson: Life seems to get busy by the day. There’s hardly enough time to...

“Rare albino eagle” by Danuta Dudek


by Nick Polizzi: Have you ever noticed certain patterns in your life that keep happening over and...

Britain’s really got a talent, well specially Miss Susan Boyle singing “I DREAMED A DREAM…


by Avery Phillips: Eyesight is one of the first things you notice declining as you...

by Anthony (Tony) Robbins:  Metaprogram #6:  Ask someone why he went to work for his present...

by Mireya Semelas: There are numerous publications and studies around the limitless benefits of maintaining...

Baby its cold outside!!! There is no way you can capture the beauty of Multnomah...

by Nick Polizzi: I write this piece with a humble heart, knowing full well that we men...

How to raise kids using the Four Agreements?


Are you looking for evening tonic recipes?  Are you looking for things to do with...

The butterfly-shaped valve in the neck known as the thyroid gland, might be small, but...

by Claudia Wallis: Can certain foods really help you fight heart disease, arthritis and dementia?


Excerpt from the movie “FM”


by Jenn Dawson: Om, or Aum, is a popular sound, mantra, and vibration used during...