Leonard Jacobson – Keys To Awakening


by Leonard Jacobson: The most important key to awakening is to learn the art of being present. It is only from Presence that you can be unconditionally loving and accepting of yourself.

Freeing Yourself From The Past

Leonard-Jacobson awaken

by Leonard Jacobson: In truth, there is no life outside of the present moment. Sooner or later, we must all come to terms with this simple fact.

Leonard Jacobson: The Walk


by Leonard Jacobson: A man went for a walk one day. As he walked, he became aware that he was feeling lost and alone…

Leonard Jacobson A Call To Presence


by Leonard Jacobson:  To be fully awake and enlightened simply means to be fully present in the moment of now. To be present is the simplest thing. It is your natural state.

What Is It Like To Be Truly Present?


by Leonard Jacobson: To be present is to awaken into that dimension of your self and that dimension of life which is transcendent of the thinking mind.