The Body Doesn’t Lie by Kino MacGregor

Kino MacGregor-awaken

by Kino MacGregor:  The mind enjoys putting on a melodramatic show. From the thick plot of stress, anger, pain and loss, it proclaims that we are “just fine”, “coping quite well” or “not really bothered at all”. The body, by contrast, doesn’t lie for very long if at all.

Everyday Awakening


by Kino MacGregor:  Awakening and enlightenment are two of the most objectified and misunderstood signposts along the spiritual path.

Yogi Assignment: Karma


by Kino MacGregor: No matter how many times I get burned I almost always think that people are going to do the right thing…

Yoga Practice For Deep Presence


by Kino MacGregor: You don’t need to be a master of advanced asana to drop into the deepest level of yourself each day. The star of this sequence is the breath…