One Way Your Ego Trips You Up


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: One Christmas, when we were living in Brighton, England, we volunteered at a church that regularly feeds the homeless and needy at that time of year…

7 Ways Meditation Can Transform Your Life

Ed and Deb ShapiroCreators: Be The Change Meditate e-Conference with 30 meditation leaders - Congressman Tim Ryan, Marianne Williamson, Sharon Salzberg, Neuroscientist Richie Davidson,Gangaji, Gabby Bernstein, Tara Stiles & more! GET UPDATES FROM ED AND DEB SHAPIRO Like 162 7 Ways Meditation Can Transform Your Life

byEd and Deb Shapiro:  We were teaching a workshop in southwest England when Ed asked the group: “If you like to suffer, then raise your hand.” No one raised a hand.

Seeing With New Eyes


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: By paying attention you see all things just as they are…

Ducks Don’t Do Anger


by Ed amd Deb Shapiro: In its passion, anger pushes away, condemns, and makes everything wrong except itself…

Will The Real Deepak Chopra Please Stand Up


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: The great Swami Satchidananda always said that we only need to have faith the size of a mustard seed. Such faith proved itself to us in an unusual way…

3 Anxiety-Free Ways to Change

by Ed and Deb Shapiro:  Does the thought of change give you a knot in your stomach? Don’t stress about it—welcome it with open arms!