Articles for: MIND

Quotes accompanied by images & video footage of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi the ‘Sage of...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: We have a newspaper photograph of Bishop Tutu, his hands...

by Dave Smallen: woman and her fiancé joke and laugh together while playing video games...

Sadhguru speaks about why for most people, it is easier to keep emotions focused and...

Dr. Valerie V. Hunt:  “Imagine if we lived in a world where illness and disease...

by Samuel Hahnemann (1796)  As sources for ascertaining the medicinal virtues of drugs were so...

by Theresa Cheung: An Adapted Excerpt from “How to Catch a Dream…


by Steve Taylor Ph.D: How the ideals of America were shaped by Native Americans…


by Amir Levine, MD: We’re all born with the brain neurocircuitry to see another person...

by Nora Wendel: Are you feeling stiff, sluggish—as if the energy within you is in...

Feeling anxious actually releases dopamine, motivating us to take action to pursue rewards and make...

by Kendra Cherry: Maslow believed that physiological and psychological needs motivate our actions…


Joseph Campbell speaks about the rituals of becoming an adult, throughout indigenous people in the...

by Michele and Robert Root-Bernstein: “The greatest scientists are artists as well,” said Albert Einstein in...

By Michael Klerk: Dreams respond well to engagement. Asking dreams for guidance is an ancient,...

by Donna Quesada: I remember my teacher saying to “dive into the cosmic self.” I...

by Kendra Cherry: When psychology first emerged as a science separate from biology and philosophy,...

“The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.” “If you...

by Kendra Cherry: If you have ever felt completely absorbed in something, you might have...

by Roger Gabriel: Purnamadah Purnamidam. Purnat Purnamudachyate. Purnasya Purnamadaya. Purnameva Vashishyate…


by Ni-Cheng Liang: This easy breathing practice helps to release stagnant air in the lungs...

by Sri Aurobindo: Yoga is not a modern invention of the human mind, but our...

by Joe Hunt: If he believed time existed, Akan Watts was way ahead of his…


by Peter Diamandis: AI is moving at stunning speed. Here’s an amazing example that impacts...