Category: Home Left

by Gary Tillery:  A changed George Harrison returned to England from India in 1968.


by Ken Russell: Certain books are so outstanding that I find it hard to even...

by Karen Bouris:  Before Eat, Pray, Love was a movie and a travel tour, it was a memoir...

by Judith Orloff MD:  Sensitive men are incredibly attractive. They are path-forgers in the new...

Deepak Chopra, MD, Founder of The Chopra Foundation:  Attention is important, because whatever you pay attention...

by Adam Frank:  More than two centuries ago, the great poet William Blake offered the...

Awaken: Firstly, thank you for the honor of spending this time with you. Would you...

by Peter Diamandis: Let’s talk about the “rich-poor divide.”


by Lama Lakshey Zangpo: Buddhist teachings are vast and profound. Numerous volumes and commentaries have...

“What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason!  How infinite in faculty! In...

“When you do everything only for God, things are getting solved by themselves.” Neem Karoli Baba


by Graham Hancock: Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery…


by Peter Diamandis: It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what...

Donna Quesada shares the relationship between our “heart brain” and our experience of time, along...

by Michael Bond:  Sarah Shourd’s mind began to slip after about two months into her...

by Richard Moss MD: We are not born, in essence, American, French, Japanese, Christian, Muslim, or...

by Tara Brach: Namaste and welcome!


by Jim Rohn: If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is...

All beings within our galaxy have this energetic force that is known as Kundalini…


Richard Feloni: Personal branding through social media may help you build your professional network, but...

Donna Quesada: In this moment, the stories that you’re sharing are better than everything that...

by Amateo Ra:  Since the beginning of our lives, our minds have been programmed by...

by Gabrielle Bernstein:  Many of us long for a life of happiness and peace, but...

by Ocean Robbins: Celebrating Thanksgiving is about more than just putting up with annoying relatives,...