Journey From Form To Formless


by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The word ‘anatha’ in Sanskrit means one without a master. An acharya (teacher) gives ‘shiksha’, which means knowledge; a guru gives ‘deeksha’ which means heightened awareness… 

Benefits of Yoga


by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The benefits of yoga are multi-fold. The first is that it improves your health…

Learn What?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

by Sri Sri Ravishankar: Only an education that can nourish inbuilt virtues can impart true intelligence.

The Bigger Picture – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Reverence for Nature: The Only Way to Save It

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Development is imperative, but a short-sighted approach is often the cause of great harm. Sustainable development is that which keeps in mind the long-term effects and benefits of any program.

Manipur’s Sense of Isolationism

Reverence for Nature: The Only Way to Save It

by Sri Sri Ravishankar: It was a misty morning as the sun tried to shine through the dark clouds hanging over the Manipur valley.

Taliban in Our Midst

Saying No to Blame Culture, Yes to Courage & Change

Sri Sri Ravishankar:  Segregating knowledge only fans the fire of fanaticism.  The biggest indoor stadium in Ohio City, USA, was recently alive and vibrant with thousands of people. The event: India Day celebrations.