Articles for: Spiritual news

This is Dale Carnegie’s summary of his book, from 1948. Fundamental facts you should know about...

By Henrik Edberg: “The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from...

Leonard Jacobson:  Before saying the following words, bring yourself fully present in your breathing body.


by Yogi Bhajan: Oh God of all Gods, Oh merciful God, Oh the one God,...

by Albert Einstein: It is known that Maxwell’s electrodynamics—as usually understood at the present time—when applied...

He was the embodiment of pure intellect, the bumbling professor with the German accent, a...

Ever wonder how Albert Einstein proved E=mc²? This is how.


The core of the video is a workshop pedagogical on Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special...

Easy to understand animation explaining all of Albert Einstein‘s Theory. Covers both Special Relativity and General...

Original footage … thanks to the efforts of the whole community *) it was finally...

by Arjuna Ardagh: Frequently, in retreats and in one-on-one coaching, people tell me that they...

by Jonathan Robinson: The TV and newspapers blare out an endless parade of bad news....

by Jon Kabat-Zinn:  the ‘father of modern mindfulness’, shares his groundbreaking ideas…


by Dr Wayne Dyer: As I look back at the earliest days of my life...

by Robert A.F. Thurman: This video is a part of the Tibet House US Menla...

by Tara Brach: When we are unaware of the emotions and beliefs that shape our experience…


by Will Welch: In 1967 the noted Harvard psychedelic explorer Dr. Richard Alpert was transformed...

by Sandra Ingerman: Let us join our hearts together to wish everyone in our circle...

By Team Tony: “Long distance never works.”“The seven year itch is real…”


by Paramahansa Yogananda: A talk given on May 21, 1944, at Self-Realization Fellowship Temple, Hollywood, California....

by Thich Nhat Hanh: We and the Earth are One…


by Cecilia Meis: Tony Robbins says only massive, determined actions will stop us from making the same...

by Matt Toussaint:  This is a tricky question, to be certain.  And while there are...

by Tara Brach: For many of us this is a season when it feels that...