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The Greater Purpose Of Your Connections

by Ocean Whitehawk: Every Person and Every Experience Serves A Purpose…


In the infinite wisdom of your soul, you chose precisely the folks you deemed appropriate to be your parents. From their genetic make-up to the kind of people they are, each facet was accurately considered before you made your loving choice. This is to ensure that they provide you with the necessary conditioning that will allow you to master what you’re here to learn.

Know that no matter how it may look to the human perspective, every experience is valid–even those that seem negative.

From the viewpoint of souls, there are no victims, only agreed contracts to serve one another in the name of Love. Your spiritual growth and the expansion of your infinite nature remain the only agenda in God’s benevolent eyes.

You will see that your so-called enemies are simply your soul buddies in disguise, loving you so much that they have agreed to play the ‘bad guy,’ in order that you excel in your learning as a soul in a human vehicle. Most of all, they are here to help you master the powerful transformational tool of  FORGIVENESS. Bless them for this tremendous gift. In doing so, your own heart will be free to dance with Love again.

Our family helps us understand the ways in which we need to grow.

Our Family, Our Teachers

Your family and friends, besides the gift of Love they bring, also have the important task of pressing your juicy buttons each time you get lost in the human drama. Whenever they frustrate you, it is only to remind you that you are arguing for limitations, having lapsed from your divine nature. On a soul level, they are here to give you instant feedback where you have forgotten who you are in the grand design of God’s Reality: a gracious soul on a mission to come home to Love.

And your children, they are your teachers of tomorrow. Honour them, for their soul knows more freedom than you do. Most children now, especially those born to spiritually minded parents, come with advanced understanding about the nature of Reality. They are here to bring in new ways of being that are infinitely more loving and less fearful. Your job is to break down the old paradigm of fear so they can rebuild a better world, a more devotional and fear-free world, where Spirit presides over matter.

There is no such thing as a stranger either. Every soul who crosses your path is an angel who brings the immense gift of reminding you exactly where you have remembered, or forgotten, your True Self.

It is a masterpiece of soul planning, designing and structuring to engineer the precise people that are in your life!

Trust the focus of your soul that has chosen the specific actors in this human play of yours. Know that every single character bears a blessed gift.

Source: Uplift Connect


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