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What Is Conscious Conception And How Can It Help Fertility?

by Elisabeth Manning:The journey to motherhood is not for the faint of heart…

Awaken- Fertility

It is an initiation. A rite of passage. If it is needed, it can challenge every part of you that has a need not only for healing, but for expanding you into your potential. That very potential within you is held in your DNA that you will soon be passing on to your child.

Life has a funny way of growing us. It will soften the rough edges, challenge our heart to stay open (when it is easier to curse the darkness) and make you strong where strength is needed most. As we grow, our DNA changes. As we are awakened, so is our DNA potential.

You are made of starlight. Perhaps the stars are asking you to remember.

Something very significant and important might be awakening inside you. Can you feel it? Hint: Where we struggle is where we are awakening, but awakening doesn’t need to be painful if we have no resistance to it. The sacred fertility warrior is more readily equipped to let go of struggle in favor of accepting and surrendering to her journey because she knows deep down this is important work, bigger than herself. She is ready for this Divine assignment. This journey is no longer all about unworthiness or “getting it right”, trying harder, or doing things wrong, etc. It instead becomes about finding her truest purest light, her freedom and sovereignty of the soul…inside practices of contemplation, self love, listening, aligning, opening, allowing, trusting, forgiving, connecting, choosing…

Consider that humanity has to evolve somehow. When we see our fertility as a contribution to humanity, we see our larger place in things. Those who are called to bring your consciousness and vibration (=your LIGHT) to a level that will assist the planet at this time, you are the hope for future generations who need your strong, resilient “warrior DNA.” You are breaking chains of lineages of abuses, addictions, codependency, etc that humanity desperately needs to collectively heal. As you raise your light, the whole planet rises. Humanity evolves.

You may not understand all of what is happening to you. At first it may seem confusing and you are not sure where to begin. Some will choose to ignore it – even shun it – and that is fine too. But for those who say yes to this path consciously, magical doors are opening within you on your behalf. You choose to allow fertility to be your teacher, your healer, your portal to new awakening. As you awaken, you also awaken dormant genetic codes within you.

Being guided on a journey of the soul, you make a spiritual agreement to be “rearranged”, reborn, healed on all levels that brings the DNA to what it needs to be for humanity to thrive. You make a spiritual agreement to listen to your body, to life, to nature. You agree to learn about surrender, love, trust. To let go of trying, and choose allowing instead. Something important, sacred and powerful is happening inside you, around you. This is much bigger than you and it is unfolding even now. There are 4 “Light Living Fertilosophie” prinicipals that I have been shown to help raise our human divine fertile frequency that can spark your way:

1) Integrity and right/moral living is clean and pure and helps us “roll around in as little dirt as possible”

2) Eating whole organic foods mostly plant based (they have the most life force and are the least amount of harm to the planet)

3) Eliminating alcohol, drugs and smoking because they pull you out of yourself, hurt your body and dull your life force

4) Conscious Connection with Source (Self and Baby are automatically included in that connection) through meditation, nature or self inquiry at least 10% of your time or 2.5 hours in a day (this can be broken into increments). Tithing was always about your energy/focus, not your money. This allows for your alignment, balance and harmony with life itself.

Living this Fertilosophie to birth the light within you first and foremost, you are living the precepts of a good and fertile foundation. Your DNA becomes activated with new life. As you work toward mastering these 4 precepts daily making them your conscious conception practice, you *will* see positive results. Look for the golden breadcrumbs and God winks from the Universe to validate your path. Trust it is all happening on your behalf. And when things arise, don’t fret. Trust they are showing you a better, more aligned way. Life wants what you want, sacred mama. Welcome to the path of the fertile warrioress.

Source: Elizabeth Manning


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